Chairman Message

Welcome to the online gateway to TMSS Public School and College (TPSC).The institution firmly believes that education is the most effective tool to meet today’s diversified social challenges including illiteracy, poverty, food insecurity, side-by-side entrepreneurship, leadership, population explosion and good governance in the society. In 2014 TPSC was established and ranked it as one of the most reputed educational institutions in Bogura. We have focused on to intellectual growth of our students that allow one to develop new standards being guided by strong moral reasoning, ethics, dignity and enthusiasm. The goal of TPSC is not only to provide the highest quality teaching in the region but also its efforts will always remain directed towards developing our young learners as leaders of tomorrow. Our skilled, experienced and dedicated teachers play a significant role in both these processes. As you navigate our website, I hope you will learn more about our institution and discover how we accord top priority on the educational and social development. It is my sincere hope that TPSC will continue to receive active and generous support from all sectors of the community.

4 Group 47 Teacher's 34 Staff's 1715 Students
Copyright © TPSC & Developed By : TMSS ICT LTD.